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Sound Healing Training: Single Instruments

Oct 15, 2019
Sound Healing Training: Single Instruments

In this short video, Tony Nec, Principal of the Sound Healing Academy outlines what's covered in our single instrument 2-day workshop immersion courses.

These hands-on, practical 2-day workshops take you on a deep dive into sound healing with a single instrument.

We have single instrument sound healing courses focussed on Tibetan (Himalayan) singing bowls, tuning forks, your healing voice, drums and more...



These workshops are ideal for people at all levels of training, skill and experience, including people new to sound healing and those who have joined our Level 1 and Level 2 multi-instrument courses:

1) If you are new to sound healing, the workshop courses will take you quickly through the foundations and onto more advanced skills and techniques. 

When you complete the workbook following a workshop, you will receive a Level 1 Foundation Certificate in Integral Sound Healing.                                                    

2) If you are taking (or have already taken) our Level 1 multi-instrument course either online or with a workshop, you will learn advanced tuning fork skills and techniques not covered in that course.

3) If you are taking (or have already taken) our Level 2 multi-instrument course either online or with a workshop, you will have the opportunity to refresh and practice the advanced tuning fork skills and techniques that are covered in that course.

If you have taken either our Level 1 or Level 2 courses, by attending these workshops you will receive a Credit for the Tuning Fork Module in our Level 2 Practitioner Diploma. You do not have to complete the workbook.

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